Godrej Tiara's pre-launch starts at Rs. 3.5 crores for 3 BHK and Rs. 6 ores for 4 BHK. It is much lower than the actual price. It is set to attract buyers before the launch of the project. The project is developed by Godrej Properties, who is known for providing homes at fair prices.
The builder has come up with a special pre-launch price for the apartments. Investors are eager to book their property at Godrej Tiara's pre-launch price. It allows them to lock in their funding early, ensuring great returns.
Project launch is a part of project construction initiation. Builders generally announce their latest project a few months before the launch. In this pre-launch era, the builder gives a special discount on the apartment price.
Godrej Tiara offers stunning 3, 3.5, and 4 BHK apartments. The builder is offering these apartments at a discount with offers like early bird offers, launch offers, festive offers, etc. Typically, these prices are lower than those set after the launch, often ranging from 10% to 40% less.
The benefits of buying Godrej Tiara apartments at the pre-launch price are:
- Lower Prices and Better Deals: Godrej Tiara offers an excellent comparative price to its buyers and provides a great deal on maintenance charges. According to the builder, booking in this pre-launch stage can get you a lower maintenance charge, which will be increased after a year.
- Better flexibility in choosing location and floor plan: Booking an apartment in the pre-launch stage allows buyers to choose their favorable floor plan. Godrej Tiara is a massive property with various floor plans. Booking your apartment in its pre-launch era will help you choose the nearest apartment to the amenities. You can also choose the floor level and direction of your home.
- Apartment customization opportunity: Another great perk of booking an apartment in the pre-launch stage is customization. At this stage, the buyers can customize their apartments according to their tastes. Buyers can easily change the interior design of the Godrej Tiara apartment.
- Higher Returns on Investment: Purchasing the unit prior to launch will result in additional savings on property rates if you're looking to maximize your return. The additional savings may raise the yield on your investment.
- Better Financing Option: Buying a Godrej Tiara apartment is no hassle. The project has tied up with many renowned banks in Bangalore. At this time, you can also book your future home by just depositing 20% of the total amount. Buyers can pay the rest of the money through either monthly or annual instalments.